مواد ڏانھن هلو

ماڊيول:Geobox map/doc

کليل ڄاڻ چيڪلي، وڪيپيڊيا مان

This is the documentation page for ماڊيول:Geobox map

-- this module implements template:geobox2 map

local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs local data_module = "Module:Geobox map/data"

local p = {}

local function rnd2(n) return math.floor(n * 100 + 0.5) / 100 end

local function aspect_ratio(s) local f = mw.title.new(s).file if f ~= nil and f ~= false then return f['width'] / f['height'] else return 1 end end

-- Finds a parameter in a transclusion of Coordinates: Missing latitude
Invalid arguments have been passed to the {{#coordinates:}} function. local function coord2text(para,coord) local hemisphereMultipliers = { longitude = { W = -1, w = -1, E = 1, e = 1 }, latitude = { S = -1, s = -1, N = 1, n = 1 } }

local result = mw.text.split(mw.ustring.match(coord,'[%.%d]+°[NS] [%.%d]+°[EW]') or , '[ °]') if para == 'longitude' then result = {result[3], result[4]} end if not tonumber(result[1]) or not result[2] then return error('Malformed coordinates value', 2) end return tonumber(result[1]) * hemisphereMultipliers[para][result[2]] end

function p.main(frame) local tracking_cats = local args = getArgs(frame) local root = mw.html.create('div') root:css('width', (args['width'] or '256') .. 'px') :css('margin-left', 'auto') :css('margin-right', 'auto') local div = root:tag('div'):css('position', 'relative') if args['background'] then local im = '[[File:' .. args['background'] im = im .. '|' .. (args['width'] or '256') .. 'px' if args['map'] then im = im .. '|link=' else im = im .. '|alt=' .. (args['alt'] or ) end im = im .. '|' .. (args['caption'] or ) .. ']]' div:tag('div') :css('position', 'absolute') :wikitext(im) end if args['map'] then local im = '[[File:' .. args['map'] im = im .. '|' .. (args['width'] or '256') .. 'px' im = im .. '|alt=' .. (args['alt'] or ) im = im .. '|' .. (args['caption'] or ) .. ']]' div:tag('div') :css('position', 'relative') :wikitext(im) end if (args['x'] and args['y']) or (args['coordinates'] and args['locator']) then local x, y = 0, 0 if (args['x'] and args['y']) then x = tonumber(args['x'] or '0') or 0 y = tonumber(args['y'] or '0') or 0 elseif args['locator'] then x = coord2text('longitude', args['coordinates']) y = coord2text('latitude', args['coordinates']) end local lpct, tpct = 0, 0 if args['locator'] then -- local tname = 'Geobox locator ' .. args['locator'] -- left = tonumber(frame:expandTemplate{title = tname, args = { 'left' }} or left) or left -- right = tonumber(frame:expandTemplate{title = tname, args = { 'right' }} or right) or right -- top = tonumber(frame:expandTemplate{title = tname, args = { 'top' }} or top) or top -- bottom = tonumber(frame:expandTemplate{title = tname, args = { 'bottom' }} or bottom) or bottom local all_maps = mw.loadData(data_module) local locator = mw.ustring.gsub(args['locator'], "[_ ][_ ]*", ' ') local map_data = all_maps[locator] if map_data and type(map_data) == 'table' then tracking_cats = tracking_cats .. left = map_data['left'] right = map_data['right'] top = map_data['top'] bottom = map_data['bottom'] lpct = rnd2( (x - left)/(right - left)*100 ) tpct = rnd2( (top - y) / (top - bottom)*100 ) else tracking_cats = tracking_cats .. end else local scale = aspect_ratio('Image:' .. (args['map'] or )) lpct = rnd2(x) tpct = rnd2(y*scale) tracking_cats = tracking_cats .. end div:tag('div') :css('position', 'absolute') :css('left', lpct .. '%') :css('top', tpct .. '%') :css('padding', '0') :css('line-height', '0') :tag('div') :css('position', 'absolute') :css('text-align', 'center') :css('left', '-4px') :css('top', '-4px') :css('width', '8px') :css('font-size', '8px') :css('line-height', '0') :wikitext('') end if args['caption'] then root:tag('div') :css('padding-top', '0.4em') :css('text-align', 'center') :wikitext(args['caption']) end if args['table'] then

return '\n' .. tostring(root) .. tracking_cats .. '\n'

else return tostring(root) .. tracking_cats end end

return p